Name Description Type Additional information
Id The unique Id for the item adjustment. integer


Date The date of the adjustments date


Summary Brief summary for this adjustment. string


RequiresFollowUp Indicates whether the adjustment requires follow up. boolean


LastUpdatedId A data field used to check concurreny when performing updates. This data is returned only and used for concurrency checking when performing an update/PUT. string


CreatedDateUtc The date and time this resource was created in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


LastModifiedDateUtc The date and time this resource was last modified in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


_links Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. Collection of Link
