Help Page Home - Contacts
POST Contact
Insert a contact.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
WsAccessKey | The Web Service access key for this user and file which allows access to the API for the associated file (found in File - Settings). Using OAuth authentication mechanism is the preferred method to allow API access. | string |
Optional. Legacy authentication method and only required if not using OAuth. OAuth is preferred. |
FileId | Specifies the file id of the file to perform the operation upon. | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Contact details.
ContactName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Contact's Id in Saasu system. | integer |
None. |
CreatedDateUtc | UTC date/time that contact was created in Saasu system. | date |
None. |
LastModifiedDateUtc | UTC date/time that contact was last modified in Saasu system. | date |
None. |
LastUpdatedId | Identifier used for concurrency checking. Required for update. | string |
None. |
Salutation | The salutation or title of the contact. Valid values: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Prof. | string |
None. |
GivenName | The first or given name of the contact. | string |
None. |
MiddleInitials | The middle initials of the contact. | string |
None. |
FamilyName | The last name or surname of the contact. | string |
None. |
IsActive | Indicates whether the contact is active. Default: true. | boolean |
None. |
CompanyId | Id in Saasu of the Organisation or Company that employs the Contact. | integer |
None. |
PositionTitle | Contact's position or role. | string |
None. |
WebsiteUrl | Url of a website owned by the contact. | string |
None. |
PrimaryPhone | Primary contact number for the contact. | string |
None. |
HomePhone | Home contact number for the contact. | string |
None. |
OtherPhone | The contacts alternate or other phone number. | string |
None. |
MobilePhone | The contact's mobile phone number. | string |
None. |
Fax | The contacts fax number. | string |
None. |
EmailAddress | The contact's email address. | string |
None. |
AdditionalEmails | The additional email addresses for contact. Used to also send to those for invoices. | string |
None. |
ContactId | Is used as an Account or Contact reference for this person if they are a supplier or customer. This is your reference or their reference depending on how you prefer to use this field. | string |
None. |
ContactManagerId | This is another Contact record in Saasu and is used to represent the Account Manager, Salesperson or similar for this Contact record. | integer |
None. |
DirectDepositDetails | Direct deposit details for the contact. | DirectDepositDetails |
None. |
ChequeDetails | Cheque details for the contact. | ChequeDetails |
None. |
CustomField1 | Can be used to manage extra, customer specific information. | string |
None. |
CustomField2 | A second field that can be used to manage extra, customer specific information. | string |
None. |
TwitterId | Twitter handle/id for this contact. This information is for your reference and is not used in Saasu at present. | string |
None. |
SkypeId | Skype name for this contact. This information is for your reference and is not used in Saasu at present. | string |
None. |
LinkedInProfile | LinkedIn profile name for this contact. This information is for your reference and is not used in Saasu at present. | string |
None. |
AutoSendStatement | Determines whether statements will be automatically sent to this contact if they have any outstanding receivables. | boolean |
None. |
IsPartner | Indicates if the contact is a partner. | boolean |
None. |
IsCustomer | Indicates if the contact is a customer. | boolean |
None. |
IsSupplier | Indicates if the contact is a supplier. | boolean |
None. |
IsContractor | Indicates if the contact is a contractor. This is important if you need to use the taxable payment reporting feature. | boolean |
None. |
Tags | Indicates the list of tags associated with this contact. | Collection of string |
None. |
DefaultSaleDiscount | Default discount to be applied when creating a sale for this particular contact. | decimal number |
None. |
DefaultPurchaseDiscount | Default discount to be applied when creating a purchase for this particular contact. | decimal number |
None. |
LastModifiedByUserId | The user id of the last person to modify this contact record. | integer |
None. |
BpayDetails | Bpay details for the contact. | BpayDetails |
None. |
PostalAddress | The postal or mailing address for the contact. | Address |
None. |
OtherAddress | E.g. "Shipping Address". | Address |
None. |
SaleTradingTerms | Used for setting the due date/expiry date when creating sales invoices, orders and quotes for contacts. | TradingTerms |
None. |
PurchaseTradingTerms | Used for setting the due date/expiry date when creating purchase invoices, orders and quotes for contacts. | TradingTerms |
None. |
_links | Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. | Collection of Link |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Id": 54353, "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-03-04T18:00:11.5387967Z", "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-03-14T18:00:11.5387967Z", "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAFwWAN8=", "Salutation": "Mr.", "GivenName": "Joe", "MiddleInitials": null, "FamilyName": "Blogs", "IsActive": true, "CompanyId": 3, "PositionTitle": "BigBoss", "WebsiteUrl": null, "PrimaryPhone": "02 4444 5555", "HomePhone": null, "OtherPhone": null, "MobilePhone": null, "Fax": null, "EmailAddress": "", "AdditionalEmails": ",,", "ContactId": "1234", "ContactManagerId": null, "DirectDepositDetails": { "AcceptDirectDeposit": true, "AccountName": "Account name", "AccountBSB": "602456", "AccountNumber": "34234234" }, "ChequeDetails": { "AcceptCheque": false, "ChequePayableTo": null }, "CustomField1": "", "CustomField2": "", "TwitterId": "", "SkypeId": "", "LinkedInProfile": "", "AutoSendStatement": true, "IsPartner": false, "IsCustomer": false, "IsSupplier": false, "IsContractor": false, "Tags": [ "Advisor", "Business" ], "DefaultSaleDiscount": null, "DefaultPurchaseDiscount": null, "LastModifiedByUserId": 567, "BpayDetails": { "BillerCode": "111222", "CRN": "8732993" }, "PostalAddress": { "Street": "123 Acme Street", "City": "Sydney", "State": "NSW", "Postcode": "2000", "Country": "Australia" }, "OtherAddress": { "Street": "123 other Street", "City": "Melbourne", "State": "VIC", "Postcode": "3000", "Country": "Australia" }, "SaleTradingTerms": { "TradingTermsType": 1, "TradingTermsInterval": 2, "TradingTermsIntervalType": 1 }, "PurchaseTradingTerms": { "TradingTermsType": 1, "TradingTermsInterval": 3, "TradingTermsIntervalType": 2 }, "_links": [] }
application/xml, text/xml
<Contact xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <_links /> <Id>54353</Id> <CreatedDateUtc>2025-03-04T18:00:11.5387967Z</CreatedDateUtc> <LastModifiedDateUtc>2025-03-14T18:00:11.5387967Z</LastModifiedDateUtc> <LastUpdatedId>AAAAAFwWAN8=</LastUpdatedId> <Salutation>Mr.</Salutation> <GivenName>Joe</GivenName> <MiddleInitials xsi:nil="true" /> <FamilyName>Blogs</FamilyName> <IsActive>true</IsActive> <CompanyId>3</CompanyId> <PositionTitle>BigBoss</PositionTitle> <WebsiteUrl xsi:nil="true" /> <PrimaryPhone>02 4444 5555</PrimaryPhone> <HomePhone xsi:nil="true" /> <OtherPhone xsi:nil="true" /> <MobilePhone xsi:nil="true" /> <Fax xsi:nil="true" /> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <AdditionalEmails>,,</AdditionalEmails> <ContactId>1234</ContactId> <ContactManagerId xsi:nil="true" /> <DirectDepositDetails> <AcceptDirectDeposit>true</AcceptDirectDeposit> <AccountName>Account name</AccountName> <AccountBSB>602456</AccountBSB> <AccountNumber>34234234</AccountNumber> </DirectDepositDetails> <ChequeDetails> <AcceptCheque>false</AcceptCheque> <ChequePayableTo xsi:nil="true" /> </ChequeDetails> <CustomField1 /> <CustomField2 /> <TwitterId /> <SkypeId /> <LinkedInProfile /> <AutoSendStatement>true</AutoSendStatement> <IsPartner>false</IsPartner> <IsCustomer>false</IsCustomer> <IsSupplier>false</IsSupplier> <IsContractor>false</IsContractor> <Tags> <string>Advisor</string> <string>Business</string> </Tags> <DefaultSaleDiscount xsi:nil="true" /> <DefaultPurchaseDiscount xsi:nil="true" /> <LastModifiedByUserId>567</LastModifiedByUserId> <BpayDetails> <BillerCode>111222</BillerCode> <CRN>8732993</CRN> </BpayDetails> <PostalAddress> <Street>123 Acme Street</Street> <City>Sydney</City> <State>NSW</State> <Postcode>2000</Postcode> <Country>Australia</Country> </PostalAddress> <OtherAddress> <Street>123 other Street</Street> <City>Melbourne</City> <State>VIC</State> <Postcode>3000</Postcode> <Country>Australia</Country> </OtherAddress> <SaleTradingTerms> <TradingTermsType>1</TradingTermsType> <TradingTermsInterval>2</TradingTermsInterval> <TradingTermsIntervalType>1</TradingTermsIntervalType> </SaleTradingTerms> <PurchaseTradingTerms> <TradingTermsType>1</TradingTermsType> <TradingTermsInterval>3</TradingTermsInterval> <TradingTermsIntervalType>2</TradingTermsIntervalType> </PurchaseTradingTerms> </Contact>
Response Information
Resource Description
InsertContactResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InsertedContactId | The id of the newly created/inserted contact. | integer |
None. |
LastUpdatedId | The unique id associated with this update. This value is required to be passed in on subsequent updates to prevent concurrency errors. | string |
None. |
LastModified | The date and time this resource was modified in UTC. | date |
None. |
_links | Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. | Collection of Link |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "InsertedContactId": 123, "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAFwWAN8=", "LastModified": "2025-03-14T18:00:11.581048Z", "_links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "", "method": "POST", "title": null }, { "rel": "list", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null }, { "rel": "update", "href": "", "method": "PUT", "title": null }, { "rel": "delete", "href": "", "method": "DELETE", "title": null } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InsertContactResult xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <_links> <Link> <rel>self</rel> <href></href> <method>POST</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>list</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>update</rel> <href></href> <method>PUT</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>delete</rel> <href></href> <method>DELETE</method> </Link> </_links> <InsertedContactId>123</InsertedContactId> <LastUpdatedId>AAAAAFwWAN8=</LastUpdatedId> <LastModified>2025-03-14T18:00:11.581048Z</LastModified> </InsertContactResult>