Help Page Home - Items
GET Item/id
Retrieves a single item.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
WsAccessKey | The Web Service access key for this user and file which allows access to the API for the associated file (found in File - Settings). Using OAuth authentication mechanism is the preferred method to allow API access. | string |
Optional. Legacy authentication method and only required if not using OAuth. OAuth is preferred. |
FileId | Specifies the file id of the file to perform the operation upon. | integer |
Required |
id | Item Id | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
ItemDetailName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Notes | Custom notes associated with this item. | string |
None. |
BuildItems | The items that constitute or form the 'build' of this item. | Collection of BuildItem |
None. |
Id | The Unique Id/key for the resource. | integer |
None. |
Code | The code for this item. | string |
None. |
Description | The description for this item. | string |
None. |
Type | The type of this item. Supported types are 'I' = Inventory item, 'C' = Combo item. | string |
None. |
IsActive | Indicates if the item is active. | boolean |
None. |
IsInventoried | Indicates if the item is inventoried. | boolean |
None. |
AssetAccountId | The associated asset account id. | integer |
None. |
IsSold | Indicates if the item is sold. | boolean |
None. |
SaleIncomeAccountId | The associated sale income account id. | integer |
None. |
SaleTaxCodeId | The associated sale tax code id. | integer |
None. |
SaleCoSAccountId | The associated cost of sale account id. | integer |
None. |
IsBought | Indicates if the item is bought. | boolean |
None. |
PurchaseExpenseAccountId | The associated purchase expense account id. | integer |
None. |
PurchaseTaxCodeId | The associated purchase tax code id. | integer |
None. |
MinimumStockLevel | The minimumm stock level allowed. | decimal number |
None. |
StockOnHand | The current stock on hand. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. | decimal number |
None. |
CurrentValue | The current value of the item. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. | decimal number |
None. |
PrimarySupplierContactId | The primary supplier's contact id (if any). | integer |
None. |
PrimarySupplierItemCode | The primary supplier's item code. | string |
None. |
DefaultReOrderQuantity | The default re-order quantity when the minimum stock level is reached. | decimal number |
None. |
LastUpdatedId | The unique id generated after an update that is required to be passed in when next updating this resource to ensure consistency. | string |
None. |
IsVisible | Indicates if this item is visible. | boolean |
None. |
IsVirtual | Indicate if this is a virtual item. | boolean |
None. |
VType | Indicates the 'virtual type' of the item. | string |
None. |
SellingPrice | The selling price of the item. | decimal number |
None. |
IsSellingPriceIncTax | Indicates if the selling price includes tax. | boolean |
None. |
CreatedDateUtc | The date and time that the item was created in UTC. | date |
None. |
LastModifiedDateUtc | The date and time that the item was modified in UTC. | date |
None. |
LastModifiedBy | The user id that last modified this item. | integer |
None. |
BuyingPrice | The buying price of this item. | decimal number |
None. |
IsBuyingPriceIncTax | Indicates if the buying price includes tax. | boolean |
None. |
IsVoucher | Indicates if the item represens a voucher. | boolean |
None. |
ValidFrom | If this item is a voucher (IsVoucher = true), this indicates the date and time that the voucher item is valid from. | date |
None. |
ValidTo | If this item is a voucher (IsVoucher = true), this indicates the date and time that the voucher item is valid to. | date |
None. |
OnOrder | The number of items currently on order. | decimal number |
None. |
Committed | The number of items currently committed. | decimal number |
None. |
_links | Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. | Collection of Link |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Notes": "Some custom notes", "BuildItems": [ { "Id": 1, "Code": "Code1", "Description": "Build Item 1", "Quantity": 5.0, "_links": [ { "rel": "detail", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null } ] }, { "Id": 2, "Code": "Code2", "Description": "Build Item 2", "Quantity": 15.0, "_links": [ { "rel": "detail", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null } ] } ], "Id": 12, "Code": "ABC", "Description": "Some item", "Type": "I", "IsActive": true, "IsInventoried": false, "AssetAccountId": 123, "IsSold": true, "SaleIncomeAccountId": 789, "SaleTaxCodeId": 112, "SaleCoSAccountId": 456, "IsBought": true, "PurchaseExpenseAccountId": 567, "PurchaseTaxCodeId": 123, "MinimumStockLevel": 2.0, "StockOnHand": 10.0, "CurrentValue": 10.1, "PrimarySupplierContactId": 123, "PrimarySupplierItemCode": "XYZ", "DefaultReOrderQuantity": 5.0, "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAKgc=", "IsVisible": true, "IsVirtual": false, "VType": "ZYX", "SellingPrice": 20.99, "IsSellingPriceIncTax": true, "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-03-14T18:00:11.5654116Z", "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-03-04T18:00:11.5654116Z", "LastModifiedBy": 123, "BuyingPrice": 10.2, "IsBuyingPriceIncTax": true, "IsVoucher": false, "ValidFrom": "2025-02-22T18:00:11.5654116Z", "ValidTo": "2025-04-03T18:00:11.5654116Z", "OnOrder": null, "Committed": null, "_links": [] }
application/xml, text/xml
<ItemDetail xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <_links /> <Id>12</Id> <Code>ABC</Code> <Description>Some item</Description> <Type>I</Type> <IsActive>true</IsActive> <IsInventoried>false</IsInventoried> <AssetAccountId>123</AssetAccountId> <IsSold>true</IsSold> <SaleIncomeAccountId>789</SaleIncomeAccountId> <SaleTaxCodeId>112</SaleTaxCodeId> <SaleCoSAccountId>456</SaleCoSAccountId> <IsBought>true</IsBought> <PurchaseExpenseAccountId>567</PurchaseExpenseAccountId> <PurchaseTaxCodeId>123</PurchaseTaxCodeId> <MinimumStockLevel>2</MinimumStockLevel> <StockOnHand>10</StockOnHand> <CurrentValue>10.10</CurrentValue> <PrimarySupplierContactId>123</PrimarySupplierContactId> <PrimarySupplierItemCode>XYZ</PrimarySupplierItemCode> <DefaultReOrderQuantity>5</DefaultReOrderQuantity> <LastUpdatedId>AAAAAKgc=</LastUpdatedId> <IsVisible>true</IsVisible> <IsVirtual>false</IsVirtual> <VType>ZYX</VType> <SellingPrice>20.99</SellingPrice> <IsSellingPriceIncTax>true</IsSellingPriceIncTax> <CreatedDateUtc>2025-03-14T18:00:11.5654116Z</CreatedDateUtc> <LastModifiedDateUtc>2025-03-04T18:00:11.5654116Z</LastModifiedDateUtc> <LastModifiedBy>123</LastModifiedBy> <BuyingPrice>10.20</BuyingPrice> <IsBuyingPriceIncTax>true</IsBuyingPriceIncTax> <IsVoucher>false</IsVoucher> <ValidFrom>2025-02-22T18:00:11.5654116Z</ValidFrom> <ValidTo>2025-04-03T18:00:11.5654116Z</ValidTo> <OnOrder xsi:nil="true" /> <Committed xsi:nil="true" /> <Notes>Some custom notes</Notes> <BuildItems> <BuildItem> <_links> <Link> <rel>detail</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> </_links> <Id>1</Id> <Code>Code1</Code> <Description>Build Item 1</Description> <Quantity>5</Quantity> </BuildItem> <BuildItem> <_links> <Link> <rel>detail</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> </_links> <Id>2</Id> <Code>Code2</Code> <Description>Build Item 2</Description> <Quantity>15</Quantity> </BuildItem> </BuildItems> </ItemDetail>