Help Page Home - Invoices
GET Invoices
Returns a list of Invoice transaction summary records.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Page | Specifies the page number of the result set to return. | integer |
None. |
PageSize | Specifies the number of records on each page of results. Maximum page size is 100. Defaults to 25 if not specified. | integer |
None. |
WsAccessKey | The Web Service access key for this user and file which allows access to the API for the associated file (found in File - Settings). Using OAuth authentication mechanism is the preferred method to allow API access. | string |
Optional. Legacy authentication method and only required if not using OAuth. OAuth is preferred. |
FileId | Specifies the file id of the file to perform the operation upon. | integer |
Required |
InvoiceNumber | Filter by Invoice Number. | string |
None. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | Filter by Purchase Order Number. | string |
None. |
LastModifiedFromDate | Filter records with LastModifiedDate greater than or equal to a date in UTC (must also specifiy LastModifiedToDate). | date |
None. |
LastModifiedToDate | Filter records with LastModifiedDate less than or equal to a date in UTC (must also specifiy LastModifiedFromDate). | date |
None. |
TransactionType | Filter records with the specified TransactionType (S = Sale, P = Purchase). | string |
None. |
Tags | One or more tags that are used to filter the result set by. More tags can be separated with a comma, for example 'tags=tag1,tag2'. | string |
None. |
TagSelection | Specifies how to filter when using the supplied tags.Valid values are: requireAny - filter records with ANY ONE of the supplied tags, requireAll - filter records with ALL of the supplied tags, excludeAny - filter records excluding any records with ANY ONE of the specified tags, excludeAll - filter records excluding any records with ALL of the specified tags. | string |
None. |
InvoiceFromDate | Filter records with Date greater than or equal to a date (must also specifiy ToDate). | string |
None. |
InvoiceToDate | Filter records with Date less than or equal to a date (must also specifiy FromDate). | string |
None. |
InvoiceStatus | Filter records with a status of Q = Quote, O = Order, I = Invoice. Example, ?InvoiceStatus=Q. | string |
None. |
PaymentStatus | Filter records with PaymentStatus of P = Paid, U = Unpaid, A = All. Defaults to showing 'All' if not specified. | string |
None. |
BillingContactId | Filter records with a Billing Contact Id equal to the specified value. | string |
None. |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
InvoiceTransactionSummaryResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Invoices | List of invoices. | Collection of InvoiceTransactionSummary |
None. |
_links | Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. | Collection of Link |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Invoices": [ { "TransactionId": 5093684, "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAAAKgc=", "Currency": "AUD", "InvoiceNumber": "INV-1123", "InvoiceType": "Tax Invoice", "TransactionType": "S", "Layout": "I", "BrandId": null, "Summary": "Invoice for order 1123", "TotalAmount": 10.45, "TotalTaxAmount": null, "IsTaxInc": true, "AmountPaid": 0.0, "AmountOwed": 11.5, "FxRate": 1.0, "AutoPopulateFxRate": false, "RequiresFollowUp": false, "SentToContact": true, "TransactionDate": "2015-01-24T00:00:00", "BillingContactId": 1568986, "BillingContactFirstName": "Freddy", "BillingContactLastName": "Fungus", "BillingContactOrganisationName": "Fungal Innovation", "ShippingContactId": 10, "ShippingContactFirstName": "Big", "ShippingContactLastName": "Bob", "ShippingContactOrganisationName": "Bobbby Inc", "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-03-13T18:00:07.2111574Z", "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-03-14T18:00:07.2111574Z", "PaymentStatus": "U", "DueDate": null, "InvoiceStatus": "I", "PurchaseOrderNumber": "PO-4456", "PaymentCount": 0, "Tags": [ "Note", "Supplier", "Toys" ], "_links": [ { "rel": "detail", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null }, { "rel": "related", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": "BillingContact" }, { "rel": "related", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": "ShippingContact" } ] }, { "TransactionId": 7843684, "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAAAHbc=", "Currency": "AUD", "InvoiceNumber": "INV-5647", "InvoiceType": "Tax Invoice", "TransactionType": "S", "Layout": "I", "BrandId": null, "Summary": "Invoice for order 4578", "TotalAmount": 15.45, "TotalTaxAmount": null, "IsTaxInc": false, "AmountPaid": 16.5, "AmountOwed": 0.0, "FxRate": 1.0, "AutoPopulateFxRate": false, "RequiresFollowUp": true, "SentToContact": true, "TransactionDate": "2015-01-12T00:00:00", "BillingContactId": 3328986, "BillingContactFirstName": "Bill", "BillingContactLastName": "Bodgy", "BillingContactOrganisationName": "Bodgy Brothers", "ShippingContactId": 12, "ShippingContactFirstName": "Small", "ShippingContactLastName": "Sue", "ShippingContactOrganisationName": "Sue Me", "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-03-12T18:00:07.2950273Z", "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-03-14T18:00:07.2950273Z", "PaymentStatus": "U", "DueDate": null, "InvoiceStatus": "I", "PurchaseOrderNumber": "PO-6758", "PaymentCount": 0, "Tags": [ "Paid", "Supplier", "Toys" ], "_links": [ { "rel": "detail", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null }, { "rel": "related", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": "BillingContact" }, { "rel": "related", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": "ShippingContact" } ] } ], "_links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null }, { "rel": "next", "href": "", "method": "GET", "title": null } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<InvoiceTransactionSummaryResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <_links> <Link> <rel>self</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>next</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> </_links> <Invoices> <InvoiceTransactionSummary> <_links> <Link> <rel>detail</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>related</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> <title>BillingContact</title> </Link> <Link> <rel>related</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> <title>ShippingContact</title> </Link> </_links> <TransactionId>5093684</TransactionId> <LastUpdatedId>AAAAAAAKgc=</LastUpdatedId> <Currency>AUD</Currency> <InvoiceNumber>INV-1123</InvoiceNumber> <InvoiceType>Tax Invoice</InvoiceType> <TransactionType>S</TransactionType> <Layout>I</Layout> <BrandId xsi:nil="true" /> <Summary>Invoice for order 1123</Summary> <TotalAmount>10.45</TotalAmount> <TotalTaxAmount xsi:nil="true" /> <IsTaxInc>true</IsTaxInc> <AmountPaid>0.00</AmountPaid> <AmountOwed>11.50</AmountOwed> <FxRate>1</FxRate> <AutoPopulateFxRate>false</AutoPopulateFxRate> <RequiresFollowUp>false</RequiresFollowUp> <SentToContact>true</SentToContact> <TransactionDate>2015-01-24T00:00:00</TransactionDate> <BillingContactId>1568986</BillingContactId> <BillingContactFirstName>Freddy</BillingContactFirstName> <BillingContactLastName>Fungus</BillingContactLastName> <BillingContactOrganisationName>Fungal Innovation</BillingContactOrganisationName> <ShippingContactId>10</ShippingContactId> <ShippingContactFirstName>Big</ShippingContactFirstName> <ShippingContactLastName>Bob</ShippingContactLastName> <ShippingContactOrganisationName>Bobbby Inc</ShippingContactOrganisationName> <CreatedDateUtc>2025-03-13T18:00:07.2111574Z</CreatedDateUtc> <LastModifiedDateUtc>2025-03-14T18:00:07.2111574Z</LastModifiedDateUtc> <PaymentStatus>U</PaymentStatus> <DueDate xsi:nil="true" /> <InvoiceStatus>I</InvoiceStatus> <PurchaseOrderNumber>PO-4456</PurchaseOrderNumber> <PaymentCount>0</PaymentCount> <Tags> <string>Note</string> <string>Supplier</string> <string>Toys</string> </Tags> </InvoiceTransactionSummary> <InvoiceTransactionSummary> <_links> <Link> <rel>detail</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> </Link> <Link> <rel>related</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> <title>BillingContact</title> </Link> <Link> <rel>related</rel> <href></href> <method>GET</method> <title>ShippingContact</title> </Link> </_links> <TransactionId>7843684</TransactionId> <LastUpdatedId>AAAAAAAHbc=</LastUpdatedId> <Currency>AUD</Currency> <InvoiceNumber>INV-5647</InvoiceNumber> <InvoiceType>Tax Invoice</InvoiceType> <TransactionType>S</TransactionType> <Layout>I</Layout> <BrandId xsi:nil="true" /> <Summary>Invoice for order 4578</Summary> <TotalAmount>15.45</TotalAmount> <TotalTaxAmount xsi:nil="true" /> <IsTaxInc>false</IsTaxInc> <AmountPaid>16.50</AmountPaid> <AmountOwed>0.00</AmountOwed> <FxRate>1.00</FxRate> <AutoPopulateFxRate>false</AutoPopulateFxRate> <RequiresFollowUp>true</RequiresFollowUp> <SentToContact>true</SentToContact> <TransactionDate>2015-01-12T00:00:00</TransactionDate> <BillingContactId>3328986</BillingContactId> <BillingContactFirstName>Bill</BillingContactFirstName> <BillingContactLastName>Bodgy</BillingContactLastName> <BillingContactOrganisationName>Bodgy Brothers</BillingContactOrganisationName> <ShippingContactId>12</ShippingContactId> <ShippingContactFirstName>Small</ShippingContactFirstName> <ShippingContactLastName>Sue</ShippingContactLastName> <ShippingContactOrganisationName>Sue Me</ShippingContactOrganisationName> <CreatedDateUtc>2025-03-12T18:00:07.2950273Z</CreatedDateUtc> <LastModifiedDateUtc>2025-03-14T18:00:07.2950273Z</LastModifiedDateUtc> <PaymentStatus>U</PaymentStatus> <DueDate xsi:nil="true" /> <InvoiceStatus>I</InvoiceStatus> <PurchaseOrderNumber>PO-6758</PurchaseOrderNumber> <PaymentCount>0</PaymentCount> <Tags> <string>Paid</string> <string>Supplier</string> <string>Toys</string> </Tags> </InvoiceTransactionSummary> </Invoices> </InvoiceTransactionSummaryResponse>