GET Invoice/id

Return a single Invoice Transaction Summary Record.

Request Information

URI Parameters

Name Description Type Additional information
WsAccessKey The Web Service access key for this user and file which allows access to the API for the associated file (found in File - Settings). Using OAuth authentication mechanism is the preferred method to allow API access. string

Optional. Legacy authentication method and only required if not using OAuth. OAuth is preferred.

FileId Specifies the file id of the file to perform the operation upon. integer


id Invoice Id (Transaction Id) integer


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Name Description Type Additional information
LineItems The line items associated with this invoice. Collection of InvoiceTransactionLineItem


NotesInternal Textual notes set by the system. string


NotesExternal Textual notes set by the user. string


Terms The trading terms of the invoice. InvoiceTradingTerms


Attachments List of attachments associated with this invoice. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. Collection of FileAttachmentInfo


TemplateId The Id/key of the template (if any) associated with this invoice. integer


ForEntityTypeId The Id of EntityType to use for printing/sending (4 - Sale, 98 - Shipping Slip). integer


SendEmailToContact Instruct the system to send an email to the contact as part of the insert/update. EmailMessage details, including 'From' and 'To', must also be specified. boolean


EmailMessage The Email message to send to the contact if instructed. Note: This is only applicable when updating (PUT) or inserting (POST) a transaction and is not returned when making a GET request. Email


QuickPayment Payment to be applied to this invoice. Quickpayments can only be inserted/added via a HTTP POST request. Updates via HTTP PUT are not support. Note: This is only applicable when updating (PUT) or inserting (POST) a transaction and is not returned when making a GET request. InvoiceQuickPaymentDetail


TransactionId The Id/key of the invoice/transaction. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. integer


LastUpdatedId A data field used to check concurreny when performing updates. This data is returned only and used for concurrency checking when performing an update/PUT. string


Currency The currrency code of the amounts. Eg. AUD. string


InvoiceNumber Invoice number. Use a value of <Auto Number> to automatically generate an invoice number. string


InvoiceType Available types are: "Pre-Quote Opportunity", "Quote" , "Purchase Order", "Sale Order", "Tax Invoice", "Adjustment Note", "RCT Invoice", "Money In (Income)", "Money Out (Expense)". string


TransactionType The transaction type of the invoice. Supported types are: 'S' = sale, 'P' = purchase. string


Layout The Layout of the invoice. I = Item Sale, S = Service Sale. string


BrandId The id/key of brand for the invoice. 0 or null means default brand. Used for printing and emailing PDF invoice in new theme library. integer


Summary Invoice summary. string


TotalAmount Total amount of the invoice. decimal number


TotalTaxAmount Total tax amount of the invoice. decimal number


IsTaxInc Indicates if tax is included in the amounts. On an invoice insert or update, if this element is not included or specified, then false is assumed. boolean


AmountPaid Total amount paid. decimal number


AmountOwed Total amount owed. decimal number


FxRate FXRate (Foreign exchange rate) applied to this invoice. decimal number


AutoPopulateFxRate Determines whether the FxRate is automatically populated using the Fx feed. boolean


RequiresFollowUp Indicates whether the invoice requires follow up. boolean


SentToContact Indicates whether the invoice was sent to the contact. boolean


TransactionDate Date of this transaction. date


BillingContactId The Id/key of the billing contact. integer


BillingContactFirstName Billing contact first name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


BillingContactLastName Billing contact last name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


BillingContactOrganisationName Billing contact organisation name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


ShippingContactId The Id/key of the shipping contact. integer


ShippingContactFirstName Shipping contact first name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


ShippingContactLastName Shipping contact last name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


ShippingContactOrganisationName Shipping contact organisation name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


CreatedDateUtc The date and time this resource was created in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


LastModifiedDateUtc The date and time this resource was last modified in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


PaymentStatus The payment status of this invoice. Supported types are: 'A' = all, 'P' = paid, 'U' = unpaid. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


DueDate The date that this invoice is due. date


InvoiceStatus Not required for inserting/adding an invoice as it is determined by the "InvoiceType'. Indicator specifying: Q = Quote, O = Order, I = Invoice. Note: This field is deprecated (is readonly) and is inferred from InvoiceType. It is here for backwards compatibility only. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


PurchaseOrderNumber The purchase order number. string


PaymentCount The number of payments applied (if any). This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. integer


Tags List of tags associated with this resource. Collection of string


_links Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. Collection of Link


Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "LineItems": [
      "Id": 30,
      "Description": "Sale Item",
      "AccountId": null,
      "TaxCode": "G1",
      "TotalAmount": 10.45,
      "Quantity": 3.0,
      "UnitPrice": 11.5,
      "PercentageDiscount": 0.0,
      "InventoryId": 30,
      "ItemCode": "CC123",
      "Tags": [],
      "Attributes": [],
      "_links": []
  "NotesInternal": null,
  "NotesExternal": null,
  "Terms": {
    "Type": 1,
    "Interval": 3,
    "IntervalType": null,
    "TypeEnum": "DueIn",
    "IntervalTypeEnum": "Week"
  "Attachments": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Size": 0,
      "Name": "test.txt",
      "Description": "Test document",
      "ItemIdAttachedTo": 0,
      "_links": [
          "rel": "detail",
          "href": "",
          "method": "GET",
          "title": null
  "TemplateId": null,
  "ForEntityTypeId": null,
  "SendEmailToContact": null,
  "EmailMessage": null,
  "QuickPayment": null,
  "TransactionId": 5093684,
  "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAAAAKgc=",
  "Currency": "AUD",
  "InvoiceNumber": "INV-1123",
  "InvoiceType": "Tax Invoice",
  "TransactionType": "S",
  "Layout": "I",
  "BrandId": null,
  "Summary": "Invoice for order 1123",
  "TotalAmount": 10.45,
  "TotalTaxAmount": null,
  "IsTaxInc": true,
  "AmountPaid": 0.0,
  "AmountOwed": 11.5,
  "FxRate": 1.0,
  "AutoPopulateFxRate": false,
  "RequiresFollowUp": false,
  "SentToContact": true,
  "TransactionDate": "2015-01-24T00:00:00",
  "BillingContactId": 1568986,
  "BillingContactFirstName": "Freddy",
  "BillingContactLastName": "Fungus",
  "BillingContactOrganisationName": "Fungal Innovation",
  "ShippingContactId": 10,
  "ShippingContactFirstName": "Big",
  "ShippingContactLastName": "Bob",
  "ShippingContactOrganisationName": "Bobbby Inc",
  "CreatedDateUtc": "2025-03-16T21:20:29.8338357Z",
  "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2025-03-17T21:20:29.8338357Z",
  "PaymentStatus": "U",
  "DueDate": null,
  "InvoiceStatus": "I",
  "PurchaseOrderNumber": "PO-4456",
  "PaymentCount": 0,
  "Tags": [
  "_links": []

application/xml, text/xml

<InvoiceTransactionDetail xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <_links />
  <InvoiceType>Tax Invoice</InvoiceType>
  <BrandId xsi:nil="true" />
  <Summary>Invoice for order 1123</Summary>
  <TotalTaxAmount xsi:nil="true" />
  <BillingContactOrganisationName>Fungal Innovation</BillingContactOrganisationName>
  <ShippingContactOrganisationName>Bobbby Inc</ShippingContactOrganisationName>
  <DueDate xsi:nil="true" />
      <_links />
      <Description>Sale Item</Description>
      <AccountId xsi:nil="true" />
      <Tags />
      <Attributes />
  <NotesInternal xsi:nil="true" />
  <NotesExternal xsi:nil="true" />
    <IntervalType xsi:nil="true" />
      <Description>Test document</Description>
  <TemplateId xsi:nil="true" />
  <ForEntityTypeId xsi:nil="true" />
  <SendEmailToContact xsi:nil="true" />
  <EmailMessage xsi:nil="true" />
  <QuickPayment xsi:nil="true" />