Represents the details of a company.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | The unique key/Id of the company. | integer |
None. |
Name | Name of the company. | string |
None. |
Abn | Company ABN. | string |
None. |
Website | Url of the company website. | string |
None. |
LastUpdatedId | Identifier used for concurrency checking. Required for update. | string |
None. |
LongDescription | Description of the company. | string |
None. |
LogoUrl | Url of the company logo. Note: This field is not supported and will be removed in a future version. | string |
None. |
TradingName | Company trading name. | string |
None. |
CompanyEmail | Company email address. | string |
None. |
LastModifiedDateUtc | Date and time that the company data was last modified in UTC. | date |
None. |
CreatedDateUtc | Date and time that the company was created in UTC. | date |
None. |
LastModifiedByUserId | The user id that last modified the company data. | integer |
None. |
_links | Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. | Collection of Link |
None. |