GET Activity/id

Return a single activity detail record.

Request Information

URI Parameters

Name Description Type Additional information
WsAccessKey The Web Service access key for this user and file which allows access to the API for the associated file (found in File - Settings). Using OAuth authentication mechanism is the preferred method to allow API access. string

Optional. Legacy authentication method and only required if not using OAuth. OAuth is preferred.

FileId Specifies the file id of the file to perform the operation upon. integer


id No documentation available. integer


Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

Name Description Type Additional information
Details Details of activity. string


Attachments List of attachments associated with this activity. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. Collection of FileAttachmentInfo


Id The Id/key of the activity. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. integer


LastUpdatedId A data field used to check concurreny when performing updates. This data is returned only and used for concurrency checking when performing an update/PUT. string


ActivityType The type of activity. Valid values are all tags with activity flag set to true. Note - invalid values will be ignored when issuing a POST or PUT. string


Done Whether the activity is done. boolean


Due Due date for the activity. date


Title The title of the activity. string


OwnerFirstName Owner/user responsible for the activity's first name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


OwnerLastName Owner/user responsible for the activity's last name. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. string


OwnerEmail Owner/user responsible for this activity's email. This field is used to identify the user. User must have access to the file which this activity belongs to. string


AttachedToType The entity type the activity is attached to. Valid values are Contact, Employee, Sale and Purchase. If not null then AttachedToId must also be provided. string


AttachedToId The entity id the activity is attached to. If not null then AttachedToType must also be provided. integer


Tags List of tags associated with this resource. Collection of string


CreatedDateUtc The date and time this resource was created in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


LastModifiedDateUtc The date and time this resource was last modified in UTC. This data is returned only and cannot be added or updated when issuing a POST or PUT. date


_links Hypermedia links. Contains contextual links to possible next actions related to this resource. Only present in responses. This data is not to be sent to the server. Collection of Link


Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "Details": "Test Activity 1 details",
  "Attachments": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Size": 111111,
      "Name": "test.txt",
      "Description": "Test document",
      "ItemIdAttachedTo": 111,
      "_links": []
  "Id": 111,
  "LastUpdatedId": "AAAAKlh=",
  "ActivityType": "TestType",
  "Done": false,
  "Due": "2024-11-01T05:00:10.4783546+11:00",
  "Title": "Test Actvity 1",
  "OwnerFirstName": "John",
  "OwnerLastName": "Smith",
  "OwnerEmail": "",
  "AttachedToType": "sale",
  "AttachedToId": 321,
  "Tags": [
  "CreatedDateUtc": "2024-07-14T05:00:10.4783546+10:00",
  "LastModifiedDateUtc": "2024-10-21T05:00:10.4783546+11:00",
  "_links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "title": null
      "rel": "list",
      "href": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "title": null
      "rel": "update",
      "href": "",
      "method": "PUT",
      "title": null
      "rel": "delete",
      "href": "",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "title": null

application/xml, text/xml

<ActivityDetail xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Title>Test Actvity 1</Title>
  <Details>Test Activity 1 details</Details>
      <_links />
      <Description>Test document</Description>